Finding Happiness In These 5 Things Daily

Finding Happiness In These 5 Things Daily

Daily writing prompt
What are 5 everyday things that bring you happiness?

My everyday happiness includes:

  1. A Clear Conscience.

Knowing I’m not out here doing anyone wrong is a chef’s kiss. With the knowledge of leaving people where they had me messed up and still wishing them well, I can get a good night’s sleep. That freedom from any guilt or shame is a blessing.

  1. Daily Self-Care Routines.

Doing all of my routines helps with my confidence. This includes dental, facial, workouts, reading, meditation, etc. I enjoy seeing the results daily. My routines nurture my esteem, and give me a positive outlook on life, while reminding me health is wealth.

  1. My Son Daily Updates.

He keeps me in the loop whether he refers to school, friends, or sports. I enjoy watching him develop into his personality and step into his lane. I’m tuned into his basketball, football, and wrestling updates. Because of paying attention, I find events that support his love of sports. Making sure I’m completely present is important in my parenting journey.

  1. Accomplishing Daily Goals.

Setting small goals and meeting them daily helps me to stay out of the spirit of fear. Once I meet my daily goals, I can take on the bigger ones that I sometimes try to put off. Moving with intent helps me to accomplish meaningful tasks.

  1. Listening to music and podcasts.

Music is an energy boost. It motivates me and induces my serotonin. Since I’m all about shadow work and self-development, I enjoy listening to podcasts that inspire me to keep improving so I can attract more abundance and blessings.