Finding Happiness In These 5 Things Daily

Finding Happiness In These 5 Things Daily

Daily writing prompt
What are 5 everyday things that bring you happiness?

My everyday happiness includes:

  1. A Clear Conscience.

Knowing I’m not out here doing anyone wrong is a chef’s kiss. With the knowledge of leaving people where they had me messed up and still wishing them well, I can get a good night’s sleep. That freedom from any guilt or shame is a blessing.

  1. Daily Self-Care Routines.

Doing all of my routines helps with my confidence. This includes dental, facial, workouts, reading, meditation, etc. I enjoy seeing the results daily. My routines nurture my esteem, and give me a positive outlook on life, while reminding me health is wealth.

  1. My Son Daily Updates.

He keeps me in the loop whether he refers to school, friends, or sports. I enjoy watching him develop into his personality and step into his lane. I’m tuned into his basketball, football, and wrestling updates. Because of paying attention, I find events that support his love of sports. Making sure I’m completely present is important in my parenting journey.

  1. Accomplishing Daily Goals.

Setting small goals and meeting them daily helps me to stay out of the spirit of fear. Once I meet my daily goals, I can take on the bigger ones that I sometimes try to put off. Moving with intent helps me to accomplish meaningful tasks.

  1. Listening to music and podcasts.

Music is an energy boost. It motivates me and induces my serotonin. Since I’m all about shadow work and self-development, I enjoy listening to podcasts that inspire me to keep improving so I can attract more abundance and blessings.

Grateful Mornings

Grateful Mornings

Daily writing prompt
What are your morning rituals? What does the first hour of your day look like?

I wake up, pray, and write my top 3 things I’m grateful for, and my goals for the day. Followed by my dental routine, the most important part of my morning, and then my skin routine (my favorite). I have to make my bed. I started this habit when I was young. Some mornings I watch the news, or I opt for a quiet start until my son wakes up. Once he’s up, Mama Bear has to make sure he’s on task with hygiene and breakfast. Then I clock in to work right from my living room!

Some honorable mentions, I avoid scrolling through social media in the morning; I say my affirmations, write my daily to-do’s in my cute planner, and last but not least I fill my super cute tumbler that says blessed in cheetah print with water. My water intake, which had to become a habit as well, is extremely important.

Describe your daily routines and how they impact you.

Describe your daily routines and how they impact you.

Bloganuary Day 28.

Having daily routines keeps me sane and confident. I feel like I have my shhh together when I keep up a healthy schedule. My objective is to maintain my mental health by effectively managing stress. There was a time when I thought it was mundane and less spontaneous to have a personal program, but realized it can boost self-worth immensely.

Morning Routine: Upon waking up, I pray‌. I then do my dental routine, which entails oil pulling, flossing, brushing my teeth, and scraping my tongue. Next up is my favorite routine, which is my facial care. My skincare routine involves using a facial cleanser, toner, serum, and excellent moisturizer.

Even though I work from home, I must get dressed for the day. Once all my self-care routines are complete, I eat breakfast and have a bottle of water. Also, I have a gratitude app that requests I list three things I’m grateful for everyday. This helps keep me gracious and positive.

Afternoon Routine: It’s time to eat lunch and more water. When the weather allows, I take a brief 15-minute walk around my house and catch up on emails and messages. Sometimes I try to get a 30-40 minute nap in before having to clock back into work. This block of the day is used to reset and catch up.

Night time Routine: Work out, facial, dental, pray, and plan for the next day in my planner. Every night, I make it a point to talk to my son and check on his mental well-being. In addition, before getting into bed, I need to ensure my kitchen is clean, I’ve showered, and I’ve let go of any negative thoughts or feelings.

Write about the idea of self-care and what it means to you.

Write about the idea of self-care and what it means to you.

Bloganuary Day 19.

My idea of self-care is.

  • Praying.
  • Hygiene upkeep.
  • Protecting your peace.
  • Doing what is best for you.

Self-care is taking care of yourself in every area of your life. Make sure your cup is full to pour it into others. It’s the act of demonstrating the importance of taking time to make sure you are good mentally, physically, and spiritually.

A lot of times we think it’s only hygiene that equates to self-care, but it is more than that to me. By controlling your emotions, being honest about your feelings, and protecting your peace, you can ensure your mind is in the right place.

The physical is another component. When we care for our outer appearance, we can do the same for the people in our lives. When you look good, you feel good. You want that for others as well. You gain confidence as a result and your surroundings also benefit from this energy.

Taking care of oneself spiritually is what ties it all together for me. You can only get out of life what you put into it, so stay patient, pray, and understand that life is what you make it. Meditating to filter those unwanted thoughts and to stop overthinking. Show much gratitude and stay in the moment as much as possible. 

Ultimately, self-care is whatever puts you at ease while appreciating yourself. Self-acceptance and grace. It’s what makes you look forward to spending that time with yourself while making sure you can be present for the people in your life.

Where can you reduce clutter in your life?

Where can you reduce clutter in your life?

Bloganuary Day 15.

Bloganuary writing prompt
Where can you reduce clutter in your life?

For me, I would define clutter as my walk-in closet and my thoughts. I’m typically not someone who can do clutter for long, as it gives me anxiety and makes me unmotivated when I see it. However, I have two things that can be defined as clutter.

Some things in my closet are out of order, which makes me uneasy. I think the fact that it’s a walk-in could be why this space can get unorganized from time to time. My bulk toiletries, workout equipment, linens, covers, etc. are all in my closet. This is one task I keep putting off that I know I’ll enjoy once I get to it. 

Now, as for my thoughts, I’m a deep thinker. I live and focus more on my inner world versus my outer. I’m always thinking of a million things. The multiplicities of my thoughts can vary. Meditation has helped me decompress my thoughts and come back into the present moment. I often remind myself that I can’t control what has passed and what is yet to come.

Daily blog

Daily blog

What is your favorite form of physical exercise?

I love to walk for starters and follow up with some type of dance routine workout. Walking is like meditation to me. It helps me clear my mind and reset. In addition, I like how it works my legs and glutes without being too strenuous. Walking is also a great way to enjoy nature while fresh air improves my mood. As for a fire dance routine workout, I love attending a class for that or finding one on YouTube. The best part of attending a class is meeting like-minded people, as well as being part of an activity with others. Which allows me to express my more extroverted side.