Self-Reflection: 10 Words that Capture Your Essence

Self-Reflection: 10 Words that Capture Your Essence

Checking in with our views of ourselves is important. Considering that you will spend the rest of your life with you, it is important to think highly of yourself. Thinking back to the old me I used to let others define me. I would really take in the negative rhetoric projected onto me and internalize it. This is very dangerous because what you believe you become. If you’re not aware of your good qualities, then the individuals you meet daily can convince you otherwise. People’s opinion of you comes from their perspective and where they’re in life. 

Feeling good about who you are brings more feelings of optimism. When you feel good, and look good, it’s all good! Our good feels of self make us want to give back this same energy to those we encounter. I can usually tell if someone has a positive image about themselves by how they talk and treat people that can do nothing for them. It has been necessary for me to extend grace to people in my life because if they can say mean things to me, what do they say to themselves every day? 

There is only one approval needed about you, and it should come from you. It is okay to take constructive criticism, but it shouldn’t overshadow what you think and feel about yourself. 

What Other People Think Of Me Is None Of My Business – Dr. Wayne Dyer.

I refer to my list whenever I need a reminder.

  1. Resilient
  2. Resourceful 
  3. Ambitious
  4. Exclusive
  5. Ethereal
  6. Deep Thinker
  7. Dependable
  8. Intuitive
  9. Funny
  10. Optimistic

By adding I am in front of any description about you, you wire your brain to believe it, bringing what you believe into manifestation.

The Art of Being Unbothered: Tips for Maintaining Inner Peace and Confidence

The Art of Being Unbothered: Tips for Maintaining Inner Peace and Confidence

Remaining unbothered in situations that interrupt your vibe makes you “unfuckwitable”. This comes with knowledge of self and plenty of practice. You’ve reached a new confidence level that most can’t get near when you don’t respond to negativity. Those who’ve benefited from your emotional responses become irritated when you don’t let them get to you. That is because you are taking away their ability to exchange energy with you. These types of individuals like to poke the bear until you explode, leaving you drained. 

I used to let others’ words affect me, but I realized I am the only one who defines myself. For some, getting a reaction out of you is their dopamine. It doesn’t matter if it’s positive or negative, they’ll take it. It is important to be aware of who gets your energy to maintain inner peace, which implies being unbothered.  

Some can confuse being unmoved as being apathetic or stuck up, but that’s not the case. This is simply about protecting your peace of mind while knowing who to engage our emotional energy with. What I’ve learned is when I give my fervor to the wrong people, I’m left in a state of self-doubt and anger. We can sometimes exchange energies if not careful because that’s what happens when we allow those with venom to infiltrate our energy. 

Getting unbothered starts with a few tips.

Remain calm

Once you discern what type of time an individual is on, you can better prepare yourself to remain calm. Although there might be instances where you need to be more assertive, as you grow older, you’ll recognize that compromising your tranquility for another person’s insecurities isn’t valuable. 

Know your triggers

Knowing what gets you out of your body will help tremendously to become unmoved. Believe it or not, some people are predatory and study you to discover what makes you tick. Once we embrace our past and let go of shame and embarrassment, critical comments won’t affect us. 

Let people think what they want about you

Being confident is about knowing your abilities and being true to your calling. It is the most freeing feeling to let people think whatever they want about you. It is none of your business what someone thinks of you because it all stems from their own perspective. There’s not enough time in the world to go back and forth with someone when you know who you are. 

Manage your emotions 

Those who can anger you can control your emotions. Taking time to access what’s being said to you and not responding while angry is a form of emotional intelligence. Acting on emotions will set you back and cause more damage than good. Learning to respond instead of react is a superpower. 

Don’t explain yourself 

No need to go back in forth when you said what you said. Stand on your opinion and boundaries because it comes off as if you’re not secure with your word. It’s like you’re convincing yourself and not them. Those who want to get you riled up enjoy your clarity as it gives them power over you. I always say “Explanation leaves room for persuasion”. You owe no one an explanation of how you move. It’s your life. 

Welcome mistakes

Perfectly imperfect! If we don’t make mistakes, how do we learn the lesson? Being able to make a mess, own it, and learn the lesson makes you a level-headed person. Coming for you becomes harder because you know your flaws and how they make you beautiful. 

Becoming unbothered is a skill that takes time. It is about knowing what to devote your attention to and not letting things that don’t matter affect you.

Embrace the Positivity: What’s Making You Feel Good Now

Embrace the Positivity: What’s Making You Feel Good Now

The gift of peace! It feels so good. Currently, there is a complete absence of negative energy in my space and my goal is to preserve it. I am just here, living on my terms and finally living a drama-free life full of abundance. My anxiety is manageable. It’s the fact that I’ve worked so hard to get here and now I’m living out my prayers-Won’t he do?. Years ago, I couldn’t imagine not having to deal with pessimistic nuances, so when I say this feels good, I mean it.

 Not only the gift of peace, but I’m working on so many areas in my life. My financial, mental, and physical aspects of life are going up. The ability to stand on business with my boundaries and non-negotiables is also going right in my life. I appreciate the way I can remain patient and optimistic, and accept all of my emotions. My tendency towards toxic positivity made it challenging for me.

Last but not least, I have removed all codependence and learned what my attachment style is. Having done both, I can now cultivate good relationships with the right people. I create distance between myself and those who aren’t aligned with me to prioritize my mental health.

I’m just happy to feel good in my company, validate myself, and continue creating the life I want to live. 

Muah, no commotion.

Stay True to Yourself: The Importance of Honoring Your Core Values

Stay True to Yourself: The Importance of Honoring Your Core Values

“Good values are like a magnet- they attract good people”

Core values to me are the energy you emit. What do you expect from the people you invite in your life? Are you honoring what you dish out? Occasionally, you may find yourself not aligning with your morals, but if you truly honor them, you’ll recognize it. 

You link true happiness to the standards you set for yourself. We’re able to choose careers that coordinate with our values. By simply looking at our personal code of conduct, we have the power to shape our future and choose our path.

The values I hold dear are what guide me in my daily life. They drive me to become the best version of myself. Honoring my core values helps me to attract the right people and opportunities in my life while showing grace to myself. By upholding my values, I make choices that are beneficial for myself, my son, and the family I am building. 

My core values include:

  • Accountability
  • Integrity
  • Respect 
  • Poise
  • Responsibility
  • Growth
  • Awareness
  • Self-Care
  • Confidence
  • Autonomy
  • Spirituality

I know I’ll always have my moral principles to fall back on whenever I encounter a test meant to break me. Remaining true to what I believe brings forth my wants and needs in life. 

“Whatever things you go through, you stay true to who you are and your core values.” -Sophie Gregoire Trudeau

Finding Balance: How Hobbies Can Enhance Your Life

Finding Balance: How Hobbies Can Enhance Your Life

One of the most attractive things about a person is having hobbies. Having leisure pursuits is the epitome of embracing your authentic self. A sense of purpose and belonging makes life worthwhile when engaging in activities that bring us joy. We can learn a lot about ourselves through our pastime activities. 

Our inner child is often the source of the many things we enjoy doing. Among my top interests, writing holds a special place. This comes as journaling, blogging, and making lists. Whenever my anxiety wants to visit, I turn to writing of some sort to help calm me and bring me back into the present moment. 

My avocations really helped me get comfortable with myself. Being true to myself has made me proudly embrace my hobbies. I’ve become a better version of myself, adding new skills to my life resume. Now I find it easy to connect with others who share the same common interests.

There’s nothing better than the feeling of accomplishment. When I finish a blog post, crack a sudoku puzzle after rewriting it a thousand times, or meet my daily 10,000-step goal, my confidence goes up.

The many hobbies I enjoy doing include.

  • Blogging
  • Vlogging
  • Sudoku
  • Reading
  • Learning
  • Exercising
  • Shopping
  • Reviewing products 
  • Assembling things
  • Journaling
  • Meditating
  • Self-improvement 

Not only does having hobbies give production, but they also relieve stress. It’s also a great way to start conversations. You know that question “So tell me about yourself?” well this is where you can shout out your hobbies and interests. In doing this, you notice how intriguing you are. These moments are where your life’s purpose becomes clear.

Discussing our hobbies forms great connections. What I like about hearing other people’s choice of extracurricular activities is that it can be the opposite of an individual’s personality. This makes getting to know someone ten times more interesting.  

Taking part in your pursuits decreases depression while increasing cognitive function and happiness. According to Connect Health, spending time on enjoyable activities can help improve your mental health and well-being.,your%20mental%20health%20and%20wellbeing. 

The benefits of having hobbies include:

  • Stress reliever
  • Confidence building
  • A sense of belonging
  • Beats out boredom
  • Something to be proud of
  • A topic or skill you can teach someone else

The things that make you stand out are the activities you love to do when you’re in your own company. Your interests could be the very thing that attracts someone to you. The amount of support you receive when you mention your likes and interests will surprise you. 

Finding Your True North: What Gives Me Direction In Life

Finding Your True North: What Gives Me Direction In Life

Daily writing prompt
What gives you direction in life?

There is only one word to describe it: optimism! Being optimistic is what gives me direction in life. It will either be a positive outcome or a lesson learned. Trusting the journey has never failed me, so I always use positivity to get me to the finish line. The journey isn’t always smooth, but I keep focus and confidence by making sure I get through those difficult times and remembering they are part of the journey.

Being able to stay mindful, and logical has helped me with my growth. I’ve learned in life we have to just do whatever it is we fear. Flipping that worry into confidence is the key to getting through life. I choose to go toward optimism, since it plays a major role in what direction I want my life to keep going in.

One of my favorite daily mantras “All is well, and everything always works itself out” is what keeps me going north!