Lessons Learned: Why I Wish I Had Taken Action Sooner

Lessons Learned: Why I Wish I Had Taken Action Sooner

Daily writing prompt
Write about a time when you didn’t take action but wish you had. What would you do differently?

I’m working towards telling people with ill intentions towards me what I feel about them at the time of the occurrence. I follow patterns and then cut them off like a light switch. They never see it coming. We can have a pleasant conversation one day, and then I’ll just have this epiphany where everything comes together. I kind of do this “I saw that now watch this”. 

The correct term is “delayed response”. This is when someone may’ve said or done something, but I don’t act on it until later. When this happens, I keep track of every time someone tries to play with me, but I don’t speak about it. I remain calm and respectful, and then, boom, I distance myself from them. 

Gaslighting myself plays a major role in why I don’t say something when it happens. It’s one of the main reasons I continue to let stuff slide. However, once I get over the benefit of the doubt hump, I cannot unsee their true nature. It turns me off indefinitely.

As with many other traits, I’m currently working on this as well, because I go off once I notice, but then I think it’s too late. My ability to read someone should be studied because I say comebacks to myself that would definitely put an end to people thinking they can play with me. I mean I go innnnn lol. 

Reciprocation is my new motto. There’s no more pouring into individuals and not receiving the same treatment. We teach people how to treat us, so I have to hold myself accountable for what I’ve allowed.

With time and practice, I will add this to my comparisons with the old me.

This will go on my life resume of lessons learned. Patience is key!