Lessons Learned: Why I Wish I Had Taken Action Sooner

Lessons Learned: Why I Wish I Had Taken Action Sooner

Daily writing prompt
Write about a time when you didn’t take action but wish you had. What would you do differently?

I’m working towards telling people with ill intentions towards me what I feel about them at the time of the occurrence. I follow patterns and then cut them off like a light switch. They never see it coming. We can have a pleasant conversation one day, and then I’ll just have this epiphany where everything comes together. I kind of do this “I saw that now watch this”. 

The correct term is “delayed response”. This is when someone may’ve said or done something, but I don’t act on it until later. When this happens, I keep track of every time someone tries to play with me, but I don’t speak about it. I remain calm and respectful, and then, boom, I distance myself from them. 

Gaslighting myself plays a major role in why I don’t say something when it happens. It’s one of the main reasons I continue to let stuff slide. However, once I get over the benefit of the doubt hump, I cannot unsee their true nature. It turns me off indefinitely.

As with many other traits, I’m currently working on this as well, because I go off once I notice, but then I think it’s too late. My ability to read someone should be studied because I say comebacks to myself that would definitely put an end to people thinking they can play with me. I mean I go innnnn lol. 

Reciprocation is my new motto. There’s no more pouring into individuals and not receiving the same treatment. We teach people how to treat us, so I have to hold myself accountable for what I’ve allowed.

With time and practice, I will add this to my comparisons with the old me.

This will go on my life resume of lessons learned. Patience is key!

Discovering the Conversations I Love to Have

Discovering the Conversations I Love to Have

Daily writing prompt
What topics do you like to discuss?

My favorite topic to discuss is psychology. I love researching and discussing human behavior and how the mind works. It’s looking up different personality disorders and the specific traits that spike my interest. The fact that we all have different thoughts and ways of living makes discussing this topic so fascinating.

This topic is not something most people enjoy talking about, so I’ve had to learn how to make small talk, which I don’t like to do. So when I have the pleasure of coming across another fellow autodidact who shares this same topic of interest, it’s always a pleasant conversation!

Growth Into Individuality

Growth Into Individuality

Daily writing prompt
Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow.

One of the biggest growth moments in my life was when I decided to stop trying to fit in and just be me. I was suffering from codependency and imposter syndrome, and it felt like I was living a lie. Needing approval and acceptance drove me to make the change to grow. The final straw was being uncomfortable because I wasn’t being my authentic self.

 I was doing things that just didn’t resonate with my true calling. Some of these activities included gossiping, nightclubs, and pleasing people. Growth started once I started engaging in activities that fit my personality. The start of my blog, trusting my discernment, and being honest about the roles I’ve played in situations started my journey into being me unapologetically. 

Now I stand in my power with the ability to say no to things that don’t fit my narrative. I look back and appreciate all versions of Yae because the experience of each version has brought me to the current me. I’m now enjoying my interest that I would hide because I didn’t want to be judged. When you finally become yourself, what’s for you will come to you.

Finding Happiness In These 5 Things Daily

Finding Happiness In These 5 Things Daily

Daily writing prompt
What are 5 everyday things that bring you happiness?

My everyday happiness includes:

  1. A Clear Conscience.

Knowing I’m not out here doing anyone wrong is a chef’s kiss. With the knowledge of leaving people where they had me messed up and still wishing them well, I can get a good night’s sleep. That freedom from any guilt or shame is a blessing.

  1. Daily Self-Care Routines.

Doing all of my routines helps with my confidence. This includes dental, facial, workouts, reading, meditation, etc. I enjoy seeing the results daily. My routines nurture my esteem, and give me a positive outlook on life, while reminding me health is wealth.

  1. My Son Daily Updates.

He keeps me in the loop whether he refers to school, friends, or sports. I enjoy watching him develop into his personality and step into his lane. I’m tuned into his basketball, football, and wrestling updates. Because of paying attention, I find events that support his love of sports. Making sure I’m completely present is important in my parenting journey.

  1. Accomplishing Daily Goals.

Setting small goals and meeting them daily helps me to stay out of the spirit of fear. Once I meet my daily goals, I can take on the bigger ones that I sometimes try to put off. Moving with intent helps me to accomplish meaningful tasks.

  1. Listening to music and podcasts.

Music is an energy boost. It motivates me and induces my serotonin. Since I’m all about shadow work and self-development, I enjoy listening to podcasts that inspire me to keep improving so I can attract more abundance and blessings.

Grateful Mornings

Grateful Mornings

Daily writing prompt
What are your morning rituals? What does the first hour of your day look like?

I wake up, pray, and write my top 3 things I’m grateful for, and my goals for the day. Followed by my dental routine, the most important part of my morning, and then my skin routine (my favorite). I have to make my bed. I started this habit when I was young. Some mornings I watch the news, or I opt for a quiet start until my son wakes up. Once he’s up, Mama Bear has to make sure he’s on task with hygiene and breakfast. Then I clock in to work right from my living room!

Some honorable mentions, I avoid scrolling through social media in the morning; I say my affirmations, write my daily to-do’s in my cute planner, and last but not least I fill my super cute tumbler that says blessed in cheetah print with water. My water intake, which had to become a habit as well, is extremely important.

Laughter is Good For The Soul :)

Laughter is Good For The Soul :)

Daily writing prompt
What makes you laugh?

Laughter is good for the soul. It is by far one of the best ways to relieve everyday stresses. It increases your mood and induces positivity. My go-to for a good laugh is stand-up comedies, comedy movies, and social media memes. I like to stay in the classic area with my stand-up and movies, but I’m always open to the newly made.

Stand-up comedies are my favorite. Whether watching or seeing it live, it will always have the same effect. At one point, I loved crime shows, but I soon found out that they can wreak havoc on your mental well-being. Now I opt for something funny that leaves a more worthwhile feeling.

Social media memes are another way I get my daily dose of laughter in. The creativity in this new age by just using sounds and pictures is genius. One of my favorite parts is how relatable the memes can be. I often catch myself saying “I thought I was the only one” while watching various memes. This is yet another way that we can stay connected in this stressful world, while also boosting our moods without having to take any medication.